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Why is China the Celestial Empire?!

China is referred to as the Celestial Empire (中州: 中州, Tiāncháo), which means "heavenly empire" or "celestial country." This name has deep historical and cultural roots, reflecting the special worldview and attitude of the Chinese towards their country and the world.

Historical roots

The name "Celestial" arose in antiquity, when the Chinese civilization was one of the most developed and influential in the world. In ancient China, there was a concept that the emperor is the son of Heaven (中州, Tiānzǔ) and rules the Earth according to the mandate of Heaven. The emperor was considered a mediator between Heaven and Earth, and his task was to maintain harmony and order in the world.

Confucian influence

Confucianism, which has become China's main philosophy and state ideology, has also played an important role in shaping this worldview. Confucius taught that society should be arranged on the model of a family, where the emperor is the father and his subjects are the children. Heaven in this system symbolized higher power and justice, and the emperor, as the son of Heaven, had to rule with wisdom and justice in order to earn the mandate of Heaven.

Geographical and cultural rationale

The Chinese considered their country the center of the civilized world, and the surrounding peoples - barbarians. This worldview was based on the high level of development of Chinese culture, science, art and technology compared to neighboring regions. The Chinese believed that they lived under Heaven, in the center of the world, and that their civilization was the most developed and enlightened.

Mandate of Heaven

The concept of the Mandate of Heaven (大州, Tiānmìng) was an important element of the legitimacy of imperial power. According to this theory, the emperor ruled not just by birthright, but by the will of Heaven. If the emperor lost the mandate of Heaven due to unrighteous rule or inability to maintain harmony and order, he could be overthrown, and the new ruler could receive the mandate of Heaven. This explains why dynasties in China took turns, but the concept of the Celestial Empire remained unchanged.

The name "Celestial" is not just an ancient term, but a symbol of the centuries-old history, culture and philosophy of China. It reflects the unique worldview of the Chinese, their attitude to power, harmony and justice, as well as their place in the world.

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