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The Story of a Single Hieroglyph (茶)

It is said that in ancient times in Jiangnan there was one monastery in which a monk lived, who adored tea more than life, he often played riddles with the owner of one small food shop that was outside the walls of the monastery.

One night, an old monk told his student to go to the shopkeeper and take one thing from him. When the shopkeeper saw a little monk with a straw hat on his head and wooden sandals on his feet, he immediately understood everything, took out a bag of tea and gave it to him.

It turns out that it was a living, figurative riddle, the hat hinted at the key "grass," and the wooden sandals - at the key "tree" below, the little monk between them personified the key "man," all together these symbols were folded into the hieroglyph "tea" (茶).

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