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Chinese summer and its traditions

Chinese summers are rich in traditions and celebrations that reflect the country's rich culture and history. The summer months in China are a time of warmth, vibrant festivals, traditional rites and diverse cultural practices.

Duanwu Holiday (Dragon Boats)

One of the most famous and vibrant summer holidays in China is the Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), which is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, usually in June. This holiday is associated with the ancient legend of the poet and statesman Qu Yuan, who lived during the Warring States period (475-221 BC).

Qu Yuan was known for his honesty and patriotism. After being expelled due to political intrigue, he threw himself into the Mi Lo River to protest corruption. Locals, trying to save him or at least protect his body, threw rice balls into the river and beat drums to scare away the fish. These actions became the basis for traditional dragon boat races and the preparation of a special dish - zongzi (sticky rice triangles wrapped in bamboo leaves).

Summer Solstice (Syachi)

Xiachi, or Summer Solstice, is one of the twenty-four seasons of the Chinese lunar calendar. This day, which usually falls on June 21, has the longest day and shortest night of the year. In ancient times, the Chinese celebrated the day by holding rituals and celebrations to express gratitude to the sun for its warmth and light. Today, this time is often used for recreation and meeting friends and family, as well as for visiting parks and natural areas.

Double Seven Festival (Cixi)

The Festival of the Double Seven, also known as Qixi (七夕节), is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, which usually falls in late July or early August. This is Chinese Valentine's Day, associated with the legend of the shepherd Nyulan and the weaver Zhiyu, who were separated by the Heavenly Empress and could only meet once a year - on the seventh night of the seventh month.

On Cixi, young couples and lovers give gifts to each other and spend time together. In some regions, girls show their needlework skills, such as embroidery and weaving, to demonstrate their abilities, as Zhiyu did in the legend.

Summer food traditions

In summer, the Chinese also pay special attention to nutrition. In hot weather, they prefer light and refreshing dishes such as cold soups, salads and fruit desserts. At this time of year, dishes such as cold rice noodles (liangfen) and fresh fruits such as watermelon and melon are popular.

In addition, in the summer they drink special herbal drinks, such as an infusion of chrysanthemum flowers, which helps to cool down and stay healthy in the heat.

Summer in China is not only hot weather, but also a time of bright holidays, rich traditions and cultural events. These traditions allow Chinese people to enjoy the warm season, strengthen family ties and maintain their health. Summer celebrations and customs in China reflect respect for nature, history and culture passed down through generations.

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