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 Chinese names

First of all, I propose to remember the basic rule that concerns Chinese names: in Chinese, the order of parts in the official name of a person is fixed and determined by the grammar of the language. According to Chinese grammar, first there is always a surname, then a name.

Options for verification are the names of Chinese known to the whole world: Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping. To remember this rule, you can rely on such a well-known idea (you can consider it a technique of mnemonics): the Chinese honor their ancestors very much, and, therefore, their surname (genus name) is always in the first place!

Well, one more practical aspect that many are interested in is how to contact the Chinese. You need to know that contacting the Chinese by full name is impolite and even rude. According to Chinese etiquette, you must apply by last name, adding the name of the social status/position (engineer, doctor, professor, academician, ambassador, teacher, foreman, foreman, director, etc.) or general appeal (master, comrade, madam).

For example, Mr. Wu (in Chinese: Wu xiansheng), Mrs. Zhang (in Chinese: Zhang nyushi).

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