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The fifth month of the lunar calendar is an evil month. This concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people since the pre-Qin period. People at that time believed that the fifth month was a great evil, and the fifth day was an evil day. The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month was an unlucky day that could not be more unlucky. So how should this day be spent? The ancients thought of a very interesting way - to fight poison with poison. So there are patterns such as "tiger suppresses the five poisons" and "tiger eats the five poisons". The tiger is said to be the mount of Zhang Daoling, the founder of the Taoist Tianshi School. With the help of the "tiger" spirit, evil is suppressed and the five poisons are suppressed. People believe that the power of the tiger can play a role in eliminating plague and disasters. Therefore, in May, the Aihu sachet takes the first seat!

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